Sunday, November 16, 2008


"Our focus as a society feeds on beauty. It has become a goal and obsesson. As girls, we entangle ourselves in the latest fashion trends and the smallest sizes. However, deep down what we really want is to be loved; feel loved. We've bought into the lie that looking beautiful will make us happier and bring us fulfilling love. But what we really need is the unconditional love of Jesus. He is the one who makes us beautiful, the one who paid the price for our beauty and we need to see ourselves as He sees us. It's not as much about what we do or how we look, but who we are...and we are His beloved. BEACUSE YOU NEVER LOOK MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN IN CHRISTS EYES."


Billie Jo Gray said...

where is this from or who said it?
i love it.

James Robert Smith said...

hi cara!