Thursday, September 11, 2008

A lil Acts

The believers meet together" Acts 2:44-47 "And all the believers met together constantly and shared everything they had. They sold their possessions and shared the proceeds with those in need. They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lords Supper and shared their meals with great joy and generosity - all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their group those who were being saved."

Acts 4:32-37 "All the believers were of one heart and mind, and they felt that what they owned was not their own; they shared everything they had. And apostles gave powerful witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and God's great favor was upon them all. There was no poverty among them, because people who owned land or houses sold them and brought the money to the apostles to give to others in need. For instance, there was Joseph, the one apostles nicknamed Barnabas which means Son of Encouragement. He was from the tribe of Levi and came from the island of Cyprus. He sold a field he owned and brought the money to the apostles for those in need."

Life as a community requires knowing and sharing Gods Word, meeting together in fellowship and worship, eating meals together and praying/praising the Lord together. Never forgetting the importance of time alone with the Lord - I sincerely strive for these things. I was blessed enough to meet some great young people who are striving for it in the same way that I am. Though it has never been about me, nor about the friends God's shown me. Lord, YOUR will be done. At this moment my prayers are for Heather, Rebecca, Max, James, Sean and Brandt. Lord, I also pray that your will be done in Pastor Straders heart and the souls of the fellow believers in the Lakeland area. Please bless the wonderful people from the camps that are seeking your face and your Way. Thank you for the prayers of my brothers and sisters in CT and here in WV and in VA...sometimes it hits me that I have been ridiculously blessed. And because of that I hope to spin it around and leave all in my path ridiculously blessed, ultimately leading to Gods glory so His name is honored through whatever is done. Praise the Lord.

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