Wednesday, August 27, 2008

There must be hope

Isn't it the Christ followers that claim we are able to "come as you are" ? Then what is happening? Lakeland, Florida is just one area that ridiculously unholy things are occuring to the ones Jesus specifically came for. Behind Ignited Church where this revival business is happening, there is a camp of homeless people who's everything has been swamped and washed away by flood waters, who are seeking refuge from a congregation that could easily wipe out their needs but are doing nothing to help. Claiming that "this church is not equipped for such things". Every church is equipped to help somehow, seeing as we are the church and we say we want to help...a brother of mine and yours, Brandt Russo has been arrested for tresspassing on the churches property while he was feeding some of these destitute people. A man who used to sit by the doors of the church and make crosses out of palm leaves has been arrested for trespassing; another trying to use the churches shower was told to leave and never come back. Is this really happening? Lord, save us from your followers....

The ability to find joy amidst struggle is one of the most beautiful things I've seen from the homeless I have talked with. The fact that they will openly tell you if they're having a crappy day without a worry of what you're thinking, right alongside the fact they find plenty to smile about and are extremely thankful for the ESSENTIALS they receive. What does it take for us to be satisfied? I am ashamed.

Please join me in prayer for Brandt and his friends in Lakeland. Pray too for the souls and hearts of the people seeking refuge in Todd Bentley...may they realize what they truly need, the One and only One who heals the spirit. Lord, forgive us.


beijos said...

i remember seeing similar things happen in brazil with the poor and the churches...
and it frustrates me so much to hear it is happening in florida right now
praying with ya sistah

Brad said...

i posted a note about this when i found out last night, i was so angry about it, just the fact that so many people are so near to some others that could help them and yet nothing is being done. i should have known that you were doing the same thing. if nothing else, it's good to know that other people are becoming more aware to stuff like this and realize that something must be done.

Anonymous said...

...and that's why so many I know don't believe in Jesus...because churches often aren't the way He wants the Church to be. it's awful.


Landis said...

Wow, thanks for sharing Cara. You're exactly right, us from your followers.

God can take any negative and turn it into a positive. Let's pray that He will...

Hope said...

wow, Craziness! Thanks for sharing this with the world to see.

Tim Faulted said...

I applaud Brandt and those like him who are looking to help people the way Christ did. So many Christians have completely lost touch with the way Christ did ministry. Brandt is a reminder to us all to serve the "least of these."